Thursday, October 6, 2011

Cloud Seeding

Did you ever think it would be possible to control the weather?
well now it is, scientist figured out how to make it rain if it is ever necessary.

Could seeding is a type of international weather modification.
By adding dry ice and silver iodine into a could by plane or cannon they expand into gasses and cause the could to lower in temperature, changing the amount of precipitation . This may sound easy but there are many things that decide if a could is acceptable for could seeding or not, scientists have to keep in mind the timing of the could and the temperatures of the could because the chemicals can only affect the temperature to a certain point. There are two diff rent types of could seeding which are based on temperature of the could. Glaciogenic could seeding is preferring to cooler colds, which is when dry ice and silver iodine are added. The second type of could seeding is for warmer clouds which involves hygroscopic compounds such as salt, urea and ammonia nitrate.

Good for the people or bad for politics?


we can get rain where we need it when we need it.

increased rain means more crops and more food.

More food means the economy will be better.


are the chemicals safe to deal with long term.
what if we cant control the amount of rain.

is the coast worth it ?

Now that you know some of the background on cloud seeding what is your opinion?

The outback

The Australian outback is a desert that stratches across australia but the quetion is the climite so dry? Its all thanks to the trade winds and the westerlie winds, the outback is between those wind so it perfect weather all the time. Now it also rains in the outback but it rains less the 500mm a year. So you now know the climite condition in the australian outback.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Wettest U.S. Cities

The wettest cities in the U.S. are Hilo Hawaii, Quillayute Washington, and Astoria Oregon. Why is the highest depression rate in the north west U.S. That's because the majority of the wettest cities are located in northwestern part of the country. This is because the winds pick up water as they cross the Pacific Ocean. This is somewhat of an orographic uplift because the winds are coming up onto the coast. Also the north west has the biggest mountain ranges making the water reach the dew point sooner and making it rain.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lunar Lore

Some popular Lore regarding the moon:

1. children's stories (goodnight moon, the cow jumped over the moon)

2. The Man on the Moon
3. The Moon is made of Cheese
4. More babies are born on a full Moon
5.Crime rates go up on a full Moon
6.  People go "crazy" on a full Moon and that's where the term "Lunatic" comes from
7.  Tides are created because of the Moon and it is said that more natural disasters happen during a Perigee full moon
8.  Suicide rates increase during a full Moon
9.Alcohol Consumption rises at the times when the Moon is the fullest
10.  Hamsters turn their wheel more 'dizzily' during the Full Moon

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Weather Or Not is Born!

Welcome to Weather Or Not. A daily weather blog maintained by a high school Meteorology class in Souderton, PA. Topics discussed here will be primarily meteorological in content, however, "the sky is the limit!" :) 

Click Here for a link to the Earth Science Pic of the Day.

Here is my pic of the day: